Red Team Blues
A mystery thriller set in current times about a forensic accountant applying his powers of tracing and recovering funds to crypto.
Some writings about design, music, and planting
A mystery thriller set in current times about a forensic accountant applying his powers of tracing and recovering funds to crypto.
A neo-noir about private prisons and white-collar frauds set in 2009
Testing the coop and all other theories with real live chickens
Chipping away at the coop this winter, one month in.
My anxiety-ridden adventure of what they call the gateway farm animal
A catalog of my collection of graphic novels. All are non-fiction. Many are memoirs. Most are considered radical.
I redesigned the logos of three local businesses without their input or consent
My first major contribution to Underhill, VT
Musings about when my favorite current artist came to town
A timeline of the prominent figures from the IWW based on the Wobblies! graphic novel
My experience in doing design work in the Gift economy
A journal photo collection of my inclination toward nature during breaks.